What Are You Inviting In?

This month I was asked if I wanted to contribute to the first Unbound Press podcast episode of the year. They were asking all their authors to send in their answers to the question: What are you inviting in for 2022?

Here’s what came through for me….


I’m excited about you!

You will cast us even further out

Of our cosy comfort zones, no doubt

But this is where the magic lies

As we dig even deeper into the truth of our lives.

And what I’M inviting in is more light to be shone

On the darkness, until all this madness has gone.

I’m inviting in transformation, for myself and for all

It’s happening anyway, close your eyes, follow the call.

I’m inviting in more courage to let go,

To unplug myself from the matrix, so

I can live in a state of joy and freedom

More sovereignty, abundance and love, I welcome.

And a new book I feel called to write

I’ll sit with my pen and my heart and dream it to life

As the words and phrases bubble in my head

Together let’s continue this magical unbound thread

Of changing the world one book at a time…

You show me yours and I’ll show you mine.

You can listen to the podcast episode here and maybe answer the question for yourself if you feel the call…

Episode 72: What Are The Unbound Press Authors Calling In For 2022?


Reclaiming the Crone


Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off - breaking karmic contracts