Right to Roam

It’s been three years since I sold my house. Two years since I sold most of my “stuff” and went nomadic. And I have to say, it still feels unsurprisingly liberating and surprisingly comforting. I’ve always loved the feeling of moving around, no wonder I was so drawn to travelling in my late teens and twenties, as well as again in my late forties and fifties (I was drawn to it in between too but was rather side tracked with raising children and all that comes with getting caught in the system of parenthood).

Coddiwomple: to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination. I’ve always been a coddiwompler! And now I’m beginning to see something else…or rather remember something else…

These incredible times we’re living in (literally IN-CREDIBLE) is shining a light for many of us on changing our lives, a calling to return to community living – not as in hippy or gated – but community living for this new age, this paradigm shift that our planet is experiencing, this Age of Aquarius. Many of us are talking about creating the New Earth, but what does that actually mean? What does that look like? And how the hell do we make it happen ASAP before someone in a face mask knocks on the door wielding a hypodermic needle!?!

Well, I’ve realised that the answer is – we don’t know. And the reason we don’t know is because it doesn’t exist yet, we haven’t created it yet. What it means and what it looks like and how quickly it happens is down to us…all of us. We’re all playing our role; the ‘personal instructions’ we arrived in this incarnation with.

So, how does that all fit with being a nomad? Well, I’m coming to remember that we have a natural, primal instinct to roam. Our ancestors used to roam the lands according to season, according to ceremony. And when we have a calling for a certain place, if that calling is coming from our soul, our higher self, our intuition, deep in our cells, then maybe it’s somewhere we’ve been before. Somewhere we once planted seeds that are now ready to be harvested. We get drawn back to sacred lands and re-gather with those that were once our tribe. Our tribe is our community.

“When we journey to places that our soul remembers, a shift takes place both within ourselves and for the planet as well.” - Rebecca Campbell

I’ve often been made to feel by society that there was something wrong with me for not being content with the career path, the house, the mortgage, the 1 husband, the 2.4 children, the 1 foreign holiday a year… I’ve always been searching for something else and always been told “the grass isn’t greener you know.” Well, I recon it is actually, we just haven’t created it yet. No wonder I’ve never found my ‘happy place’…it doesn’t exist yet!

But these unbelievable times we’re living in (literally UN-BELIEVABLE) are calling us back to our tribe, back to our lands, back to our ancient wisdoms, back to nature. Enabling those of us who are feeling the call, who have always known there was something more, to re-member our right to roam and create an earth that will benefit us all, including the earth itself.

This is the New Earth. I’m packing my rucksack (again). Maybe I’ll meet you there.


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