Raw of the Wild

What does it mean to be wild? Going off the rails…being a little unhinged…maybe slightly hysterical…the wild child…reckless and leaving a trail of devastation behind and not giving a shit…?

Or… is it more about tuning into our intuition…living by our instincts…being in touch with the rhythms of nature…knowing that we ARE nature, nature is wild and therefore we ARE wild in our truest essence.

*In many mythological stories, there is the idea that when we are born, a twin is born with us. The twin was thrown out of the window, while we were taken into the cot. It becomes our wild twin, living out in the wilderness while we are raised in society. All through our lives we may get glimpses of our wild twin. They are less inhibited by social conditioning, they are more impulsive, creative, instinctive, willing to act outside of the bounds of rationale and they don’t give a shit about what anyone else thinks in a non-people pleasing kind of way. Our wild twin knows how to grieve and express itself, it knows how to let go of control and it is not governed by shoulds.

So, how do we become more of that wild twin within? And how does it connect to what we eat?

We might already enjoy a healthy diet, perhaps even be vegetarian or vegan (or not). Or we might be totally engrossed in a daily diet of convenience and processed foods with the odd KFC thrown in for old times sake. But I recon our wild twin would be happiest munching away on an apple picked fresh from the tree, nose diving into a bag of red ripe tomatoes, foraging for mushrooms or peeling a sun ripened mango with their bare hands, biting into it and joyfully letting the sweet juice dribble down their chin.

My friend that I’m in Portugal with only eats raw. In fact she would say she is transitioning to become a fruitarian. Right now that feels a bit extreme for me, but for the past few weeks that I’ve been here, I’ve noticed my process with it. I’ve gone from feeling quite enthusiastic, noticing my body giving me signs that it wants to return to its’ wild and raw nature, to then having cravings for cooked food, fantasising about various pulses and roast chicken! Mostly I want something warm in me – it’s cold here at night.

But I can see that I have begun my raw journey. You could say I’m ‘raw curious’! I am paying a lot more attention to what I put in my body and I’m definitely noticing the cause and effect of that. For now, I’m happy to say that I’m being MORE RAW.

So much in our world is changing. Actually, let’s face it, EVERYTHING in our world is changing, so surely the way we eat needs to change too as we move forward into this 5D reality. It makes sense to me that if we want to raise our vibration then we should be eating high vibration foods. And it’s probably safe to say that the vibration of a dead animal is gonna be pretty low whichever way you look at it. Whereas foods which are alive, thriving and abundant are going to be up there on the vibrational scale.

So, maybe we all need to be more raw and get back to our wild nature. Maybe we need to hear the roar of the wild within. If you listen carefully, maybe you can hear your wild twin giving you the roar of the raw!


* The mystical story of the wild twin was taken from (the totally brilliant) ‘Track your Life’ podcast by Boyd Varty - https://open.spotify.com/show/2RCRXRjtgiR0w2iLsijRia?si=6ab38eebb3e2445b


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